Gites de France

Legal informations

Publication director and webmaster

Vins d'Alsace Joseph Gross

For all requests of information

21, rue Principale
67120 Wolxheim
Phone: +33 (0)3 88 38 18 41
Fax: +33 (0)3 88 49 36 18

Design and host of the website

In accordance with the law, we inform you that:

It law and liberty

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You are informed that all the nominative information provided by the users by the way of online formulary is intended for the exclusive usage of Vins d'Alsace Joseph Gross.
Vins d'Alsace Joseph Gross states precisely that all the responses from users are optional and there will be no consequence if no response is given. However, the responses should be sufficient for us to treat the information in order to bring the appropriate and satisfied answers to the users.
The photography is provided as a rough guide and non contractual.


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The non respect of this ban constitutes a forgery enabling to involve the civil and penal responsibility of the forger. The information contained in this service is non contractual and is submitted to modification without any notice. In addition, some marks inside of the internet site can be the subject of a registration of copyright from the INI; in a way that all rights of reproduction or representation in any material including which doesn't exist in present are reserved for all countries.


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© Vins d'Alsace Joseph Gross